In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of trading we live in, staying organized and keeping track of your trades is essential for success. To help you stay on top of your trading game, we’re constantly enhancing our trading journal with cutting-edge features and integrations.
Check out our latest updates for Novemebr 2022 designed to help you streamline your trading journey.
What's New in Trade Replay🔥
In case you didn’t already know, you can replay your trades in your TradeZella journal with just one simple click.
We launched this awesome feature in September and have been making INCREDIBLE improvements since then that our users are stoked about. So let's talk about what we updated in November:
💡 Updated timeframes
In the first version of the trade replay, you could only view the 1 minute candle. Now, you have way more options on the intervals/time frames. Such as 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, hourly, etc on the trade replay chart.

💡 Forward and Rewind
You can now forward and rewind the trade replay by 10 seconds.

💡 Add a second chart
That's right, you can add a second chart to your view in the Trade Replay. See it in action below

New TradeStation Sync 🤝
We're fired up to announce a new direct integration with TradeStation.
It allows you to automatically sync your trades from TradeStation into TradeZella in just a few simple steps. This includes Stocks, Options, AND Futures trades 🔥.
The first version of the TradeStation integration launched in September included only CSV imports for only Stocks and Options traders.
With the new version, we’re welcoming Futures traders, as well. With a few clicks, you can import your Stocks, Options, AND Futures trades to start journaling on TradeZella.
See it in action:

💡 Automatically sync your TradeStation trades in just a few clicks.
💡 Sync your Stocks, Options AND Futures Trades into TradeZella
Add Default Commissions
We know the hassle brokers can give traders in their data when it comes to commissions.
Some brokers, like WeBul and Tradovate, don't include commissions in their uploads. That means your tracking might be all over the place.
Frustrating, I know.
Now, you can add your default commissions to TradeZella.
This will allow you to add in your commissions yourself in case your broker is giving you a hard time.

Option Contract Price Chart

This one is for all the Options traders journaling on TradeZella.
You can now see your Options Price Chart alongside with the Underlying Stock Price Chart.
See the highlighted green area in the image?
Thats your option contract price chart.
Everything you need is in one place.
Pre Market + After Hours Data

Don’t want to see it? No problem.
You can now turn on or off pre-market and after hours on your trade tracking page.
For those new here, the trade tracking page gives you the full details and stats on your trades.
New and Improved Broker Updates
💡 E-TRADE: Futures & Futures Options
Welcoming Futures traders to start adding their trades from E-Trade onto TradeZella!
Currently, we support the CSV method for E-Trade which is a simple 5 step process.
In case you missed it - we now support E-Trade for Stocks, Options, Futures, AND Futures Options.

💡 THINK OR SWIM: Futures Options
Welcoming Futures Options traders to start adding their trades from Think or Swim onto TradeZella.
Currently, we support both CSV method and automatic sync for Think or Swim!
In case you missed it - we now support Think or Swim for Stocks, Options, Futures, AND Futures Options.

💡 TASTYWORKS: Futures Options
Welcoming Futures Options traders to start adding their trades from Tastyworks onto TradeZella.
Currently, we support the CSV method for E-Trade which is a simple 5 step process.
In case you missed it - we now support TastyWorks for Stocks, Options, Futures, AND Futures Options.

💡 New Broker: DAS Trader Pro
After much request, we’re thrilled to be announcing a new broker on TradeZella! Its official, you can now add your Stocks, Options, and Futures trades from DAS Trader Pro into your TradeZella journal.
The current supported method is CSV imports which is a simple 5 step process. You can click here to view the full tutorial.

💡 New Broker: Sterling Trader Pro
Another highly requested broker is now on TradeZella! We’re officially welcoming traders who trade Stocks only on Sterling Trader Pro to start journaling with TradeZella.
Keep in mind that we currently only support Stocks for this broker. More additions coming up next month :).
The current supported method is CSV imports which is a simple 5 step process.