Importing your trades from Quantower into TradeZella is straightforward. Follow the simple steps below to seamlessly transfer your trading data. Open the Quantower desktop application.
Exporting trade data from Quantower into a file
Open Quantower Desktop Application
From the Quantower menu, select "TRADES".
On the trade tab, select the date range for the export.
Right-click on the "Trade" tab, and a dropdown menu will appear.
From the dropdown menu, click "Export data", and a popup will appear.
In the popup, check all columns and ensure you have selected "comma separated."
Click on the "EXPORT FILE" button to download the file.
Select the account where you want to upload this file, choose "Quantower" from the broker list, and upload your saved file. TradeZella will handle the rest.
Common Errors
Incorrect Date Format Selection: Ensure that you have selected the correct date format during the upload process.
Incorrect Headers in the Exported file: It's important to ensure that the exported CSV file has the following headers:
Account | Date/Time | Symbol | Description | Symbol type | Expiration date | Strike price | Side | Order Type | Quantity | Price | Gross P/L | Fee | Net P/L | Trade Value | Trade ID | Order ID | Position ID | Connection | Comment | Exchange.
Sample File: If your still file fails to upload, please make sure it matches the sample Quantower export below. If it does not match, you may have missed an import step or are uploading the incorrect file format.
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