With our straightforward guide, you can easily import your trades from Webull into TradeZella. Follow these steps to ensure your trading data stays accurate and up-to-date.
Exporting trade data from Webull into a file
Open the Webull mobile application.
Click on the Account button or the Webull logo at the bottom of the screen.
Tap on the HISTORY tab from the upper panel. Ensure you are on the HISTORY tab, not the ORDERS tab.
Click on Filter to set your export criteria.
Under Select Time, choose the date range of trades you want to export. Use Webull's default time options or click Custom for a specific date range.
Ensure the selected date range includes trades you wish to export to avoid export failures
Under Order Status, slide left to select Fully Filled.
Click Done to apply the filters.
To access the Export Orders screen, tap the download symbol (an arrow pointing down) at the top right corner.
Click Submit to initiate the export process.
Check your registered Webull account email for the CSV file sent by Webull.
Select the account where you want to upload this file.
Choose Webull from the broker list.
Upload the saved CSV file containing your trades.
TradeZella will handle the rest, ensuring your Webull trades are accurately imported.
Common Errors
Export Limitation: Webull allows trades to be exported into a CSV file only once per day. Perform this export at the end of the trading day to capture all trades effectively.
Commission/Fees: Webull does not include commissions or fees in their CSV file. TradeZella will reflect Gross P&L (total P&L excluding fees). Manually add commissions and fees in TradeZella or set default commission rules here.
Supported Regions: TradeZella supports Webull US for trade import. Webull AU and other regions may not allow users to export trade data into a file.
An example file from Webull is attached below.
Importing your trades from Webull into TradeZella is designed to be user-friendly and efficient. By following these steps, you'll maintain accurate trading records and gain insights to optimize your trading strategies. Happy trading!
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